Recently on WJK Radio, I had the pleasure of co-interviewing Martin Thielen, author of the new book What’s the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian? The book is taking off as a group study guide for churches. People want to know whether they can be Christians and believe in evolution (Thielen says…

As many of you know, I am a daily Twitter person, tweeting out a chapter of the Bible every day with humorous — okay, sometimes snarky — commentary. For the last year and a half I’ve been deeply interested in Twitter’s power to communicate, if we can only cut past all the noise of people…

Today is Presidents’ Day, and while we’re debating key points like where to put the apostrophe in Presidents’ Day (I vote for the plural form, as we are celebrating many presidents), we can also take a moment to think about religion and the Founders of the United States. All this week, historian John Fea will…

Today at Gathering Voices I have a new post about the “Elvislessness” about the college students I’m teaching this term. In my course on Religion and Popular Culture, there are plenty of cultural touchstones in terms of film, television, and books that many young adults seem to like. But their musical tastes are all over…

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