Was Jesus Christ really just a shaman, a secretive sorcerer healing people with magic tricks and demonic help? That’s what many of his enemies believed, and continued to believe for hundreds of years. In ancient Jewish society, demons were credited as the “causes of various ailments, such as blindness, deafness (and muteness), and a host…

Reader Appeal: Pastors, Teachers, Pew-Sitters Genre: Christian Living FBSN Rating: A   Guest Columnist – Jill Wuellner Have you ever read a story from the Bible and let the depth of it slip from your fingers? Missed some of the meaning because you just didn’t see the big picture? Wondered what you were missing in…

Reader Appeal: Pastors, Teachers, Seminary Students Genre: Theology / Apologetics FBSN Rating: B   Bart Ehrman has made a cottage industry of creating new, marketable conspiracy theories about Jesus. In the process, he’s made it OK to talk about religion in public places—and spawned an equally profitable “Ehrman-Response” industry. How God Became Jesus is a…

Reader Appeal: Pastors, Small Group Leaders, Students Genre: Biblical Study FBSN Rating: A   Guest Columnist – Dr. Norm Wakefield If you want the Bible to come alive and relate to the 21st century then this book is for you. Timothy Keller is uniquely gifted as a writer, pastor and theologian. Not many can integrate…

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