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A devastating dock collapse on Georgia’s Sapelo Island has left a community reeling after seven people, including a beloved chaplain, lost their lives. Three others remain in critical condition following the tragic incident, which occurred on Saturday afternoon at Marsh Landing Dock.

Among the deceased was Chaplain Charles Houston, 77, an ordained minister with 40 years of service in the United Methodist Church. Chaplain Houston, who also served as a chaplain for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the Georgia State Patrol, was deeply cherished by both his church family and the law enforcement community. His passing has left a profound void.

Pastor Mike Davis, a close colleague and friend of Chaplain Houston, reflected on his legacy, saying, “He was such a dedicated pastor and chaplain and was loved by those he served, both in the church and in law enforcement.”

Houston’s wife, Elizabeth, shared her heartbreak over the sudden loss of her husband. “He was a fine and good man,” she said. “This is such a hard thing. I can hardly talk; I can’t even think right now.”

The tragedy unfolded at approximately 3:50 p.m. on Saturday when an aluminum gangway collapsed, sending 20 people plunging into the water below. The dock was crowded due to a large cultural celebration honoring the Gullah-Geechee community, descendants of enslaved Africans who have preserved many of their West African cultural traditions. The event, typically modest in attendance, saw over 700 visitors, greatly exceeding the daily average of less than 100 people.

The other six victims were identified as Jacqueline Crews Carter, 75; Cynthia Gibbs, 74; Carlotta McIntosh, 93; Isaiah Thomas, 79; William Johnson Jr., 73; and Queen Welch, 76. Many of the victims were visitors attending the Gullah-Geechee cultural event.

McIntosh County Coroner Melvin Amerson expressed his sorrow, emphasizing the deep connections the victims had with their families and community. “This is a tragedy that cuts deep for so many people, especially with the rich cultural heritage of the community that was being celebrated that day,” Amerson said.

Three individuals are currently in critical condition, with two of them airlifted for treatment. Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Walter Rabon noted that an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the collapse. “The initial findings of our investigation at this point show a catastrophic failure of the gangway, causing it to collapse,” Rabon stated at a press conference.

The aluminum gangway, installed in November 2021, had undergone routine inspections, Rabon added, making the collapse all the more shocking. Safety concerns had been raised months prior by island residents like J.R. Grovner, who expressed frustration that warnings were ignored. “When we report stuff like this, we get brushed off,” Grovner said.

The collapse turned the festive event into a scene of chaos and grief. Witnesses described a heartbreaking scene of panic and confusion. “Many people in tears, screaming, crying, people just shocked from the horror of the moment,” said Tendaji Bailey, a seventh-generation Gullah-Geechee descendant who was at the event.

Emergency response teams from multiple agencies, including the U.S. Coast Guard and local fire departments, quickly arrived at the scene to assist with rescue operations.

President Joe Biden addressed the nation following the tragedy, offering his condolences. “Jill and I mourn those who lost their lives, and we pray for the injured and anyone still missing. We are also grateful to the first responders at the scene.”

As the investigation continues, the families of the victims and survivors are left to cope with their profound loss. The community is drawing together in faith, leaning on the hope and comfort that Chaplain Charles Houston, who so faithfully served them, always shared.

A Prayer For the Victims and Their Families:

Heavenly Father, we come before You in this time of immense sorrow and grief. We lift the families of those who lost their lives in this tragedy, especially Chaplain Charles Houston and the others who were taken from us. Lord, we ask that You surround their loved ones with Your peace and comfort so that they may feel Your presence in the midst of their heartache.

We pray for those in critical condition that Your healing hand will be upon them. Grant wisdom and strength to the medical teams caring for them, and may they experience recovery and restoration.

Lord, in the face of such loss, we cling to Your promise that You are near to the brokenhearted and that You bring hope in the darkest of times. Help us to trust in Your goodness even when we do not understand, and may Your love be a source of strength for all those affected by this tragedy. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


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