Hudson Meek, a talented young actor and devoted Christian, tragically passed away at the age of 16 following an accident in Vestavia Hills, Alabama. Known for his roles in films like Baby Driver and 90 Minutes in Heaven, Hudson’s life, though brief, left a profound impact on those who knew him and on audiences who saw his work.
Hudson passed away on December 21, 2024, two days after sustaining injuries from falling out of a moving vehicle. His untimely death has sent waves of sorrow through both his local community and the entertainment industry, as people remember not just his talent but his heart for Christ.
Hudson Meek’s acting career began at just six years old with an uncredited role in The Santa Con alongside Melissa Joan Hart. He made his breakthrough in 2015 when he appeared opposite Hayden Christensen and Kate Bosworth in the faith-based film 90 Minutes in Heaven, a story centered on miraculous recovery and spiritual faith.
In 2017, Hudson gained widespread recognition for portraying the younger version of Ansel Elgort’s character, Baby, in the Academy Award-nominated film Baby Driver. The role showcased his talent and hinted at a bright future in Hollywood. He later lent his voice to the animated series Badanumu Cadets and Badanamu Stories and appeared in The School Duel, his final credited role in 2024.
Though Hudson had a promising career, his family and friends remember him most for his unwavering devotion to his Christian faith. His obituary paints a vivid picture of a young man who lived his life centered on Christ. Hudson actively participated in youth retreats, Bible studies, and mission trips, finding joy in serving others and deepening his relationship with God.
As a sophomore at Vestavia Hills High School, Hudson balanced academics and extracurriculars with his faith. He was involved in student government, the Honor Choir, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Known for his love of football and his support of the Auburn Tigers, Hudson also cherished time spent outdoors.
Hudson was an active member of Dawson Memorial Baptist Church and frequently attended youth events at other local churches, including Shades Mountain Baptist and Vestavia Hills United Methodist. His enthusiasm for sharing the Gospel was evident to all who knew him as he sought out opportunities to grow in his faith and encourage others to do the same.
Hudson is survived by his parents, his older brother Tucker, and a loving extended family. His passing reminds us of the fragility of life, but his legacy remains one of joy, faith, and dedication to Christ. His community, including fellow actors and church friends, is mourning the loss of a young man whose light shone so brightly.
In times of sorrow, we cling to the hope found in Scripture. John 11:25-26 offers comfort: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” Hudson’s family and friends take solace in knowing that he is now in the presence of the Savior he loved so deeply.