@bethanyhamilton / Instagram

Bethany Hamilton, best-known for surviving a shark attack when she was 13 and returning to surfing despite losing an arm, announced the tragic passing of her 3-year-old nephew, Andrew. “The Lord has receive my sweet nephew Andrew into his beautiful care.
While my family and I will miss him dearly, we trust that his joy is full with Jesus,” she said on Instagram. She also added a prayer that she said had comforted her family during this time. “Faith is to trust that Gods will for our life is greater than our own. Thank you all for the love, prayers and support is this trying time. Be blessed.” Andrew’s parents, Kyah and Timothy Hamilton (Bethany’s brother) had placed Andrew in a bathtub with six inches of water and Epsom salts to help with a fever. He was just 15 feet away from the kitchen and living room when he was found unconscious and not breathing.

Bethany posted about Andrew’s accident the day it occurred on October 11, saying he had been “medevacked to a hospital in Oahu, Hawaii” and that “he still has a heartbeat and has fight in him.” She also asked her fans for any treatments they might be aware of and for prayers. “We are wrecked. But I know how proper medical support can make or break someone’s chance of survival. In this case we’re asking for help from anyone who has information of what we can do to give my nephew the best chance,” she wrote. Bethany’s other brother, Noah Hamilton, also asked for prayers. “Join us in prayer for my brother’s fifth youngest child Andrew as he was life-flighted to Oahu in the middle of the night. He’s three-and-a-half going on five. He’s a strong resilient kid and an amazing swimmer. He was found not breathing in shallow water of bathtub. His vitals were enough to get him to Oahu.”

Andrew’s father Timothy shared his grief online after the boy’s passing. “Andrew Samuel Hamilton, born December 26th 2020, entered his heavenly rest on Friday, October 17, 2024, succumbing to injuries sustained a week prior in a drowning accident, after all of the best life-saving interventions had been exhausted,” he wrote. “It hurts terribly and we miss Andrew more than words can express. But we do not mourn as those who have no hope. We rejoice in the certain hope of the glory of God, into whose name Andrew was baptized, whose precious blood washed Andrew clean and made him a child and heir of heaven.” He quoted 1 Corinthians 13:12, which states, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” Noah Hamilton also posted a tribute to his nephew. “Two days before Andrew accident I got to tandem surf with him. The only solo time I ever got to play with him. I’ve played with his 4 older siblings. We had so much fun,” he wrote. “On our last wave I threw him off the board and he swam to shore through the waves and current sucking him back to sea.I will cherish this memory.” He called Andrew “a strong hammer of a kid” and tried to make sense of the tragedy. “We will never know how he got into trouble in a bath with 6in of water. But what we do know is that he’s in heaven singing with the Angels, resting in his heavenly father’s arms of love. I love you Andrew.” Andrew’s memorial is scheduled for November 2. He is survived by his mother and father, and five older siblings: Thomas, Joshua, Matthew, Noelle, and John.


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