I call them the Crazy Curls. The ones that shoot out of my bun/ponytail (bunnytail?) like electrified corkscrews. Nothing seems to tamp them short of professional help in the form of hairstylist, turbo heat, and a straightening iron built to flatten mountains. Nothing except, of course the usual array of probably toxic hair care products…

Therese writes often on Beyond Blue about the mental health benefits of exercise, Kathy Smith has shown us the myriad benefits of a walking regimen, and we all know that both our physical and emotional bodies benefit from even a moderate workout. A new study suggests yet another condition that can be improved by moving…

“Integrative medicine” is probably a term many Beliefnet readers are familiar with. It attracts people who aren’t about to give up the idea that their doctors should have MD degrees, but who want a more holistic approach to healthcare that “integrates” practices from chiropractic care to acupuncture to massage therapy to nutritional supplementation.  At a…

In my previous post, I alluded not-so-subtly to my preference for female doctors. Writing about it like that made me wonder if that’s something I should challenge a bit.  The first doctors I ever remember going to as a child were all men, smiling men with long Italian names and cheerful demeanors that weren’t even…

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