Daisies_2.jpgWow, what beautiful, heartfelt comments we got on our “11 Ways to Live Fresh” post! What started out as a fun acrostic quickly became a torrent of the most poignant, inspiring thoughts from you, the Fresh readers!

As spring settles in (did you see Valerie’s beautiful spring wordle cloud?), what better time to share some of your reflections on what “living fresh” means to you?  Here are some of your gems, please add even more below:

B – breathe
R – reasonably
E – equal
A – always
T – thankful for
H – having
E – exhales

“How beautiful it could be if we could only love each other. Always.”
Dibban Guha

“Always include God in everything you do whether big or small. God,
love, and memories are all things that no one can take from you in these
uncertain times we are living in, so keep all three close in your heart.”

“Acknowledge nature – take a walk or look out the window. Write
something every day. Have a sensory experience of touching a flower,
tree bark or a leaf. Put aside some pampering time each day to do
something special for yourself. Smile at everyone you meet.”
Lady of Light

(image: http://www.wallpapergate.com/data/media/1261/Daisies_2.jpg)

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