greenwise_logo.gifWhile visiting Boca Raton, Florida over the weekend (oh warmth, how I miss you), my step-mom turned me on to GreenWise Market, a sub-chain of mega-grocer Publix.

It’s an almost exact replica of Whole Foods, down to the slate-like floors and organic coffee bar. Except you’ll also find all the regular, er, crap, from the grocery store–sugary foods, paraben-y hair products, etc. It’s about a 60/40 split of “healthy” to “regular.” Sort of an odd feeling, really. I think I relax at Whole Foods, under the happy, homey illusion that everything is organic and harmless. So it was funny to have that feeling walking into GreenWise and yet discover that the only to-go sandwiches were meat–Boar’s Head, no less.

greenwise-store.jpgI was, however, grateful to be able to find all the necessary things (mini Weleda toothpaste, Lara bars) in a city not teeming with options. Publix has converted three of its Florida stores to GreenWises and even has a free health magazine of the same name. They’ve also got a GreenWise house brand that I imagine is cheaper.

What do you think of this “merging” phenomenon? Does it inspire people not normally so inclined to eat healthier? Or does it pollute the integrity of a regular health food store? Something tells me this is the way of the future. Especially in this economy.

(And, um, have you checked out their font? Copycats! See our top banner, above 😉


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