burtbee.jpgHooray and happy birthday to Burt and his wonderful bees!  How many tubes of his Beeswax Lip Balm do I have scattered around my house, you might ask?  At least 6, including the desktop one I’m gazing lovingly at right now.  The cooling (peppermint oil), moisturizing (sunflower seed oil) formula gets me through winter and summer, is a post-meal ritual, and is just so all-around lovely.

The fabulous Burt’s Bees company is celebrating its 25th birthday this month, and in honor of this milestone, they’re giving away 25,000 tubes of their magic lip elixir.

Click here to sign up for their newsletter and get one of the free tubes.  Here’s how it works: they’re giving away 1,000 tubes a day (alas, today’s are already gone).  So be sure to click back tomorrow between 9 and 12 to make sure you get yours!

Meanwhile, here’s some more on beeswax and luscious lip care from Fresh Living:

My New Favorite Natural Lip Balm

‘Green’ Glosses and Lipsticks

Do Beeswax Candles Clean the Air?

(image via: http://worshipfan.net/2009/03/thursday-product-palooza-3-12-09/)

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