The outpouring of affection and emotion in response to the passing of beloved yogi Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is deeply moving. Ashtanga studios areound the world are holding tributes: Jivamukti in New York is devoting a week of chanting to him; the Shala in Los Angeles is having a ceremony tonight at 6pm; and many individuals and teachers are dedicating their next practice to him. And the Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institue just announced that his public memorial will be on May 31st in Mysore, India.

I found this beautiful photo album tribute to Jois:

Have you seen any other online tributes? Would love to post on them (or your personal stories) if so.

For those who didn’t know of him, Jois represented a long lineage of yogis that had a profound effect on millions of people’s lives. Here he is a couple of decades ago on Ashtanga yoga. The sound quality is not great, but hang in there, it’s worth it: 

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