hemingway-day-3_0260.jpgRecently I had the pleasure of taking a yoga workshop with Mariel Hemingway and her good friend Sara Ivanhoe. It was an intense afternoon, full of flowing asana with a specific focus on Patanjali’s first yoga sutra — Atha Yoganusasam (NOW is the Practice of Yoga).  In that spirit of now, we were encouraged to pay attention to where we felt resistance in our bodies so we could listen more closely to our inner wisdom.

Hemingway is a skilled yogini and teacher and she’s used that inner wisdom to find balance in her own life, especially when it comes to diet. She’s very transparent about her own struggles with depression, insecurity and obsessive eating and she told us, “yoga was the thing that slowed me down and allowed me to look at my life and not just react…In those moments of stillness, I was able to observe things, connect with my body and figure out what I really needed.”

For her that means eating with the seasons and avoiding starchy carbs, caffeine, sugar and alcohol. In fact, the Oscar-nominated actress and author just came out with her third book, a beautifully photographed cook book called Mariel’s Kitchen: Simple Ingredients for a Delicious and Satisfying Life

We asked Hemingway to share with us her top ten superfoods.  Here is her list:
Fresh or frozen are low calorie antioxidant powerhouses

Alkalizing proteins and healthy fats with magnesium and potassium too.

Pumpkin Seeds
Cholesterol lowering phytosterols and a good source of the minerals magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, as well as iron, copper, protein, and zinc. 

An anti-cancer food that’s super high in vitamins K, A and C.

High in potassium, and good fats, adding avocado to any meal also improves the body’s absorption of carotenoids. 

Flax meal
With lots of Omega-3 fats and fiber, flaxseed thickens smoothies and flax oil is a great choice for salad dressing.

Organic Free Range Eggs
High quality protein that boosts brain function and choline, which reduces inflammation.

Rich in folate, vitamin B and antioxidants too.
Unrefined Coconut Oil
Beneficial fat that’s great for searing fish and sautéing vegetables.  Also has antimicrobial qualities.

Whey Protein Powder
Milk derived power protein that’s great for smoothies, shakes and desserts.

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