about_maggie_mason.jpgDo you know Maggie Mason?  I don’t–at least not personally–but I love, luff, lurve her blog.  The guiding principle for her writing on design, shopping, marriage, parenthood, etc is the concept of “Mighty Life,” and more specifically her “Mighty Life List” of things that she wants to do before she goes.

What I love about her list (click here to read it) is that it’s filled with “biggies” (Be conversational in seven languages.  Write a million dollar check to a charity.  Do two pull-ups.) and more attainable goals (Have a family portrait taken.  Go a day without speaking.  Rewire a lamp.) alike.  One wants to be able to cross things off of one’s life list more than every couple of years, right?  Totally.

She’s recently gotten a sponsorship to cross 10 items off her list, and the next one she’s going to do is to watch the sun rise over the Aegean.  A trip to Athens, Santorini, and Mykonos is planned, and it sounds just delicious. 

Being a worrier, my immediate thought was to interrupt our regularly scheduled inspiration to fret about the wildfires that are into their 4th ravaging day north of Athens.  But amazingly, of the 86 comments that are attached so far to Maggie’s post, only 2 of them even allude to the fires, both in a breezy “you’ll be ok” kind of way. 

I’m possibly as inspired by that tone as I am about the Mighty Life List trip in the first place.  A mighty life waits for no woman, and the sun will rise over a safe and fire-free Greece, hopefully very, very soon.     

Do you have a life list?  I’d love to gather Fresh Living readers’ most intriguing entries, whether they’re already accomplished or still in the “to do” column–please share!

(image via: http://mightygirl.net/about/)

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