Wow, there are 60 gorgeous entries in the “magic light” photo caption contest I posted last week.  Thank you, everyone, for the uplifting and affirming words that you put to the mysterious shot that I took in our empty condo just before we closed the door on it for the last time.

To refresh your memories, here’s the image you all captioned:

Thumbnail image for IMG_3920.JPG

And now (ta da!), the winners!  Here follow my 3 favorite captions. Thank you again, so much, for helping me cast my move into such a beautiful, ahem, light.

Winner #1: Christine!
“You never really leave a place where you have lived and loved. The
energy of that love remains and becomes transformed. In this case, the
power and energy of the years you spent living and loving became a
spectacular light.”

I love this image, Christine, of all the wonderful, positive energies that we leave behind after living in this home remaining there in the form of such clear, shining light.  What an inspiring way to think about any life change!

Winner #2: Jane DeVito!
“Sometimes you don’t have to know where the light is coming from, just believe.”

Having faith has been a toughie for me lately, which is why I love your caption, Jane.  Sometimes we just see something–like the light in that empty room–and we just know that it’s special, it’s greater than us, and even if we can’t define exactly why, its power is undiminished.

Winner #3: Nancy!
“Open your eyes and look up.”

Nancy, your caption is the essence of a simple statement that can blow the lid off a stagnant period in one’s life.  The two steps you describe – 1. open your eyes and 2. look up are so easy to forget to do on a daily basis.  Your caption is the most lovely kind of reminder.

So many more of you shared lovely, inspiring captions. Click here to read and revel in them all, which I just did again for the umpteenth time. Can you feel the smile on my face? It’s a biggie.

Congratulations again, winners, thank you again, readers, and here’s to beautiful, light-filled new beginnings for all of us!

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