HalloweenCandy.jpgIt’s a strange Foodie Friday, because tomorrow is Halloween night, and the last thing I have on my mind is healthy eating. 

Confession time: for me, Halloween is a one-night high-fructose corn syrup-soaked feast, a no-holds-barred visit back to a simpler time in my life, a time when sugar was sugar (HFCS? What’s that?), and sugar meant fun.  So tomorrow night, yes, I will eat Reese’s.  Yes, I will eat Snicker’s.  And yes, several mini Milky Ways will get frozen for later consumption. Fresh living?  That will have to wait until 11/1.

“You have to have treats,” a friend told me years ago after a successful Weight Watchers experience.  I entirely agree.  Most of the time, my treats are high-cocoa-content dark chocolate or tea cakes made from whole wheat pastry flour and fresh pumpkin.  But the “treat” in “trick-or-treat” does not involve whole wheat pastry flour.  It involves tiny chocolate bars, individually wrapped, loaded with the worst, most deliciously naughty “food-like substances” there are.

And so, I wish you all a very happy Halloween.  Because we all need treats.  

(image via: http://food.thefuntimesguide.com)

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