sun1.jpgOatmeal is obviously really, really good for you (read 6 reasons to eat oatmeal). And very delicious and versatile. But this is going to be a long winter, and it can’t hurt to add some morning hot grain variety.

Quinoa is one of my fave grains and it can go breakfast as well as side dish. There’s a wonderful-looking recipe for quinoa breakfast porridge here on the Food and Spice blog. You basically make your quinoa as usual, add some milk (could be cow or hemp or oat or almond). A bloop of honey, some cinnamon, dried cranberries (unsulphured and unsweetened if you can). Stir and enjoy. Yum–and full of protein.

Do you regularly use quinoa in your breakfast? Tips?

Related Articles:

6 Reasons to Eat Oatmeal

Your Favorite Oatmeal Recipes

Easiest Fruit Crisp Topping Recipe Ever!


Need more morning inspiration?  Read our entire Fresh Morning collection!


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