
Migraine headaches, like other chronic pain conditions, can leave you feeling helpless against their seeming arbitrariness, disengaged from your normal life, and desperate for relief.

We’ve just published a series of resources that are designed to help.  One is a gorgeous guided meditation with imagery and breathing exercises designed to help you release migraine pain and rediscover peace in your body.  I particularly love the lovely notion of “a soft pink ball of light” that the author, Sandra Lee Schubert, uses.  

Need more than a meditation?  We’ve got that too.

First, get to know your headaches with this gallery of migraine facts and fictions.

Next, take a quiz to assess how well you manage your migraines

Then, learn 10 tips for how to avoid migraine triggers.

Finally, explore natural remedies and energy healing techniques for migraines.

And please share–how do you cope with migraines?

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