tropical breakfast

I just returned from a very brief, incredibly sweet vaycay in Jamaica, where I haven’t been since I was in utero, apparently. (See pic above of me eating a gorgeously fresh breakfast by the sea at our amaaaazing villa/hotel in Treasure Beach, Marblue. Go. Not too pricey and with two lovely hosts, Andrea and Axel, who were at the ready to meet all of my fresh coconut water desires.)

We passed a pod of dolphins in a very close-to-the-water boat called “One Love,” drank fresh fruit rum punch, swam in the turquoise sea, ate amazingly fresh whole fish, watched the sun set, got massaged, visited waterfalls, and generally pressed pause on two crazy New York lives. Yum.

Now I’m trying to add that dose of sweetness to my daily life. Asking myself things like: How can I make the everyday a bit more turquoise? How can I learn from the dolphins, whose main job seems to be diving down deep, re-surfacing, playing, swimming, and hanging out while giving off incredibly happy vibes? How can I be a bit more like the doggy who was in all the best places at once–trotting on the beach, lounging at the pool, resting in the middle of the dusty road?

I continue to mull. Any tips? How do you use that great vacation energy for your life instead of letting it fade and getting all yearny about it?

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