Ruby.jpgHave you ever felt blocked from praying about the one thing with which you need the most help?  I’ve been thinking about this a lot since last week, when I interviewed Ruby Gettinger, whose inspiring Style Network show chronicles her journey from 716 pounds to–so far–350. 

Ruby has a deep spiritual life, prays regularly, and is part of a church community.  But for years, when it came to the problem that haunted her most–her life-threatening obesity–she found herself unable to pray.  She told me:

“I talk to God if I have a broken heart or I’m praying for somebody’s
healing, but I never really prayed about Him helping me in this, because
I felt like it was my problem. I felt like it was my fault, that it was
all in my hands.”

I could relate to that sensation of feeling choked and silenced when it came to reaching out spiritually for help with a big Problem (as opposed to a regular old, lower-cased problem).  And almost every time, it’s only when I find my voice again, when I find the words or energy to meditate or pray on something serious, that I know I’m on my way toward the other side of whatever it is. 

Ruby certainly found her voice, and an inner strength that has her progressing every day, step by step, toward her goal.

Check out my interview with Ruby to learn about how the 12-step program has guided her recovery from food addiction, and how everything from her adventurous spirit to her friendships have grown as the numbers on the scale have shrunk.

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