valerie reissIn addition to co-writing this blog and working at Beliefnet full-time, I’m writing a book. It’s about how I got through cancer five years ago with a combination of heavy-duty Western meds and all I knew from my personal and journalistic experience of yoga, meditation, non-religious spirituality, and alternative medicine.

Meaning, I had chemo and I also did yoga, drank green juice, got reiki and massage, practiced visualization, and attempted to have healing thoughts, accept love, and chill the eff out. Some of it worked really well, some of it not so much, and some of it will always be a an unquantifiable mystery. But today, I am well.

I’m looking to include stories from other survivors to enrich this book and make it most helpful to people–how did you or a loved one heal from cancer? Not just physically, but spiritually, energetically, mentally, emotionally? Do you have stories, anecdotes, favorite quotes, books, lessons? I’m delving into things like surrender, letting go, meditation, yoga, silence, gratitude, Buddhist teachings, relating to pain and suffering as a teacher, and what it means to truly heal–turning shit into sunshine, if you’ll pardon my English.

How did you/they do it? And bonus follow-up: How are you different today?

Thanks–your voices are very welcome. You can also drop me a note if that works better. valerie AT valeriereiss DOTCOM.


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