biting_nails.jpgI’m almost through editing a new Beliefnet feature that’s currently titled “How to Put Boundaries Around Worry,” and….yeah.  This passage from the introduction might just become my new mantra.  Try reading this out loud to yourself in a (lovingly) strong tone of voice: 

“The act of worrying is an obsessive, habitual behavior–and one you can give up.  But before you can give it up, you must accept that the act of worrying serves no purpose.

Worrying is stealing your energy, fatiguing your muscles and body, exacerbating your aches and pains, increasing your vulnerability to stress and infection, distracting you from the present, interfering with your sleep, inappropriately increasing or decreasing your appetite, and keeping you from more pleasurable or important tasks.

It’s time to recognize that the act of worrying serves no purpose.”

Wow.  Yes, ma’am. 

As the gallery will explain, the key is to distinguish “worry” from “realistic concern,” and not put any eggs into worry’s basket.  Not easy.  But can you imagine your life–and brain–if you could accomplish that?

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