This hilarious primer on how to behave in romantic relationships on Facebook made by a friend’s husband hit quite a few raw nerves. So many newfangled pitfalls! Like high school but in front of the whole auditorium–filled with everyone you’ve ever known–all the time. has a few of its own Facebook etiquette points. Are…

In tough economic times those who already had it tough have it much tougher. That’s why Susan Skog wrote her book “How to Give Back” and is starting National Dine To Make a Difference Day, “a potluck with purpose” and “a meal with meaning,” in conjunction with Dining for Women, an organization that addresses extreme poverty…

I have this taped to my computer monitor. Such a great reminder.   “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too…

Nothing like a good swine flu epidemic to trigger our natural tendencies as humans to panic, worry, and fret. “Swine flu” is one of the most googled terms right now. From what I can tell, people definitely have their radar attuned; last night on the subway when I sneezed, people really looked at me all…

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