I just found this lovely, simple morning meditation on the site Openmindbody.com. An excerpt (ok, well, most of it): …In a seated pose, focus on your breath. Cultivate a steady, relaxed breath. Then ask yourself: What is my intention today? After posing the question, rest your attention on the out-breath. This creates a spaciousness of…

I feel blessed to have the coolest friends evah. I just clicked over to my gal Jennifer’s blog, called Reminders 2 Be Present, and she’s showing the latest progress on her handmade wool bracelets. She’s an artist and teacher and makes beautiful, spiritual work that just inspires me to no end. As for these soft baubles, her…

My blog brother Rabbi Brad Hirschfield wrote a post this morning called “Senator Kennedy Did NOT “Lose” His Battle with Cancer.” Amen. I saw that New York Times headline myself today and it made me cringe.  It’s no secret that our culture is all about winning, but to essentially call someone who dies of cancer a loser? Oy. When I was…

Sigh. A while ago, my friend Jenn from the Tiny Choices blog expressed skeptism that SIGG bottles were all that safe, preferring to sip from glass or stainless steel. But I was like, “Oy, really? Another thing to worry about? But my SIGG is so pretty!” She said that SIGGs have a lining to keep the…

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