We’ve largely steered clear of the health care debate on Fresh Living (read why here), but I felt inspired to post this MoveOn.org video that’s making the blogosphere rounds.  Not because we endorse the public option, necessarily, but because it’s incredibly moving–and an important reminder as the focus of any debate–to see that health and…

My blog brother Rabbi Brad Hirschfield wrote a post this morning called “Senator Kennedy Did NOT “Lose” His Battle with Cancer.” Amen. I saw that New York Times headline myself today and it made me cringe.  It’s no secret that our culture is all about winning, but to essentially call someone who dies of cancer a loser? Oy. When I was…

Sigh. A while ago, my friend Jenn from the Tiny Choices blog expressed skeptism that SIGG bottles were all that safe, preferring to sip from glass or stainless steel. But I was like, “Oy, really? Another thing to worry about? But my SIGG is so pretty!” She said that SIGGs have a lining to keep the…

The flu is a winter problem, right?  Wrong!  I just learned that worldwide, there have been 150,000 confirmed cases of swine flu this summer, and with school starting again soon, the co-mingling of kids, adults, and germs is once again close at hand. So here is a reprise of some of the best flu-prevention techniques…

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