The other day I was in an actual old-school candy shop.on New York City’s Lower East Side. While my friend gathered chocolates for a housegift I was left to wander and drool. Chocolate-covered raisins! Chocolate from Madagascar! Gummy everything. Chocolate-covered gummy stuff! But in the name of healthy choices, I refrained from filling my fists with…

It’s only October, but this is about the time Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD–depression that hits in fall and winter) can creep in. So if you’re one of the millions of sufferers (like me), what can you do to nip this puppy in the bud (to mix metaphors)? Well, for starters, a new study released in…

This weekend came news that a third person has died following an October 8 sweat lodge ceremony at the Angel Valley Retreat Center near Sedona, Arizona.  The tragedy is frightening and incomprehensible: people in search of healing were instead subjected to a terrifying and dangerous ordeal.  The investigation into what exactly caused the organ failures…

It’s that time of year ago here in four-seasons land: “Brr, it’s too cold to get out of bed!” So what’s a warm-blooded, East Coast dwelling human to do? Here are a few thoughts for luring yourself into the day when it seems insane to your toasty, blanket-wrapped body to do so: 1) Keep a pair…

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