May we present… the Fresh Living survey. Inspired by our eco friends at the Tiny Choices blog, we created a survey for our readers to take. The idea is that we can all share how we manage (or try) to live a healthy life despite being pulled by the demands of everyday life. So here’s how it…

You may have already seen this, but I just caught up with the rest of the wired world over the weekend. Neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor talks about how her stroke allowed her to glimpse a way of seeing that is much kinder and more expansive than our left-brain thinking usually allows. Truly powerful and deeply inspiring

I am what’s called a “sensitive body.”  If I get a cold, it lasts two weeks.  If there’s a side effect listed on a medication, I get it.  If I get a stomach bug, run for your life.  This is why I love acupuncture, specifically Japanese-style. Acupuncture is made for sensitive bodies. It tunes in…

All I can say is oy. This is really sad. Yesterday the U.S. Catholic Bishops came out against Reiki as a healing modality. They call the ancient Japanese Buddhist practice “superstitious” and without scientific merit. Unfortunately this means a lot of people will not benefit from the hands-on, calming, energy-clearing method. I’ve had so many wonderful sessions…

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