Fresh Living

I found on a curious list of 5 ways to have a good morning.  Click here to read the whole thing, but here’s the gist: 5 Ways to Have a Good Morning 1.  Wake up rested. 2.  Don’t rush. 3.  Get energized. 4.  Eat a good breakfast. 5.  Relax into your day. I like…

This morning the New York Post reported that Bernie Madoff, the Ponzi schemist who’s serving 150 years for swindling $65 billion, is ill with pancreatic cancer. This afternoon the Prison Bureau released a statement, “While the NY Post story is full of inaccuracies, and we can’t specifically address all of them, we can tell you that…

This is the story of a Monday makeover. I do not wear makeup every day.  I work at home, for one thing, so I have no one to impress.  But I also have something of a mental makeup block:  what’s wrong with my natural face that I should bury it under some cake-y gunk?  So…

“On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are created jerks.” – H. Allen Smith   “Your idea of bliss is to wake up on a Monday morning knowing you haven’t a single engagement for the entire week. You are cradled in a white paper cocoon tied up with typewriter ribbon.”–…

This morning I was talking to a co-worker about the Moody Blues show she went to last night–all extra beamy, she talked about how much it brought back memories and inspired her. It got us sharing some highlights of our concert-attending careers. Like, for me, the four-hour, mid-summer, break-up-healing Blues Traveler show in 1990, or the heart-opening Grateful…

In my desire to get as much into beach mode as is possible while seated in front of a computer (did I mention I’m coming up on vacation?), I came across this video that immediately downshifted my morning into a relaxed, uplifted place. Watching those waves smooth over the slippery rocks, listening to the ebb…

I am one of zillions who really enjoyed Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir, “Eat, Pray, Love” and am now excited that her next book is coming soon. Yay. This one, a recent interview with her in the New York Times tell us, is about marriage: Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace With Marriage. She wrote this after scrapping…

The only time I might invoke my astrological sign (Taurus) in everyday conversation or thought is when I find myself doing something stubborn, overly practical, or in some other way classically Taurean.  What I don’t make a habit of is checking my horoscope.  It unsettles me, like there might be something bad waiting in the…

“There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart.” – Chandogya Upanishad

The other day in yoga, I was being kind of a spaz. I was lost in my head and positioned oddly on my mat.  When the teacher called for Ardha Chandrasana, a pose you do with one foot and one arm on the ground and one foot and one arm in the air, I had…

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