Fresh Living

Though the product has not been recalled, federal regulators are warning consumers that using the popular homeopathic cold remedy Zicam might be dangerous–or permanently harmful–to your sense of smell.  The New York Times reported on the warnings sent from the Food and Drug Administration to Matrixx, the company that manufactures Zicam, a zinc-heavy formula that…

I just got back from a doctor’s office where I enjoyed an ancient (I think from 2006) issue of Real Simple.  In the magazine was a terrific tip that I thought was worth sharing as we head into prime outdoor meal season. The idea was to go to the drugstore or Target/Wal-Mart/etc and pick up…

Yesterday when I went outside to water my garden, I heard a familiar birdsong.  I looked up, and there, silhouetted against the sun on my roof, was the tweeter!  I think it’s the same guy (gal?) that I’ve been hearing at night.  I watched it for awhile, and then it flew over to a tree…

“…Whosoever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires. This is the best support; this is the highest support. Whosoever knows this support is adored in the world of Brahma.” ~ Katha Upanishad I If you’ve ever been to a yoga class chances are you’ve let an “om” rip. Many teachers bracket their sessions with…

What was the first thing that you did this morning?  My answer to that question is almost always that I think something.  I think, “What time is it?”  “Did I sleep wrong on my shoulder again?”  “What should I have for breakfast?”  “How many emails do I have waiting for me in my in-box?” I…

Hi all. I just arrived in Boulder, Colorado for this year’s LOHAS conference. If you’re like LO-what?, it stands for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, and it’s the name of an organization and an entire demographic. Basically it covers green and natural business, socially conscious companies and products and every product or service related to…

After days–days!–of rain, the sun is finally shining, and it once again feels like summer is just about here.  And in summer, a woman’s heart turns to thoughts of fun.  Vacation fun, outdoor fun, lazy fun.  All of the above.  Yes, please. Are you all set in your summer fun plans?  Or do you need…

Readers, I am hopeful that there are some among you who are knowledgeable in the ways of birds.  Specifically, sing-song-y birds.  Specifically, sing-song-y birds that sing multiple melodies.  Specifically, sing-song-y birds that sing multiple melodies late, late at night. Last night and the night before, I woke up at 1 a.m. to the sound of…

“The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.” — Amma, the “Hugging Saint” a.k.a. Mata Amritanandamayi The Hindu…

On this finally glorious spring day, I had lunch in the park with Adam Bucko, co-founder of the Reciprocity Foundation, a five-year-old New York City-based organization that helps homeless youth heal from trauma, gain skills, and develop full-fledged careers. The group especially helps kids who want to do creative/media work like fashion, design, writing, and PR–plus many of…

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