Fresh Living

As regular FL-ers know, I’ve been sick most of the looong winter and cooold spring. About a week ago it looked like I was getting ill again and the healer I just started seeing suggested downing some of Dr. Schulze’s Supertonic. I just got some last night, so I can’t fully attest to its powers, but, wow. This…

Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” So as you start your day, ask yourself, am I giving self-defeating thoughts safe passage into my psyche?  Or, am I only giving affirming energy permission to dictate how I feel today? Click here for more inspiring quotes by famous…

This hilarious primer on how to behave in romantic relationships on Facebook made by a friend’s husband hit quite a few raw nerves. So many newfangled pitfalls! Like high school but in front of the whole auditorium–filled with everyone you’ve ever known–all the time. has a few of its own Facebook etiquette points. Are…

Swine flu is spreading, and fears and concerns about its devastating potential is spreading even faster. Whenever I find myself living in “what if” instead of “what is,” I find it helpful to measure my fears against facts to put things in perspective. That’s exactly what women’s health expert Dr. Erika Schwartz did on her…

In tough economic times those who already had it tough have it much tougher. That’s why Susan Skog wrote her book “How to Give Back” and is starting National Dine To Make a Difference Day, “a potluck with purpose” and “a meal with meaning,” in conjunction with Dining for Women, an organization that addresses extreme poverty…

I have this taped to my computer monitor. Such a great reminder.   “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too…

Nothing like a good swine flu epidemic to trigger our natural tendencies as humans to panic, worry, and fret. “Swine flu” is one of the most googled terms right now. From what I can tell, people definitely have their radar attuned; last night on the subway when I sneezed, people really looked at me all…

On a warm day–particularly a warm workday–the squirmy, tap-y, shift-y, knee-bounces start in.  In other words, it’s hard to sit still.  When this happens, part of me thinks, “great!”  Who wants to sit still when there are walks to take, spring cleaning to do, fresh air to breathe, and friends to visit.  Our bodies were…

Helping others doesn’t have to zap you. On the contrary–Susan Skog, author most recently of The Give-Back Solution, has found a zillion ways that contributing to others fills your own cup with joy, well-being, health, and connection. In addition to making the world a better place. Here’s a piece she wrote for us that I love: 10…

“APRIL is the cruellest month,breeding Lilacs out of the dead land,mixing Memory and desire,stirring Dull roots with spring rain.Winter kept us warm, coveringEarth in forgetful snow, feedingA little life with dried tubers.” — T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland Though I was calling it “Ungrateful for a Break in the Cold Gray Weather” and “Lame,” apparently some…

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