From Own Your Dreams by John C. Maxwell.  If you are unsure of what your dream might be—either because you are afraid to dream or because you somehow lost your dream along the way—then start preparing yourself to receive your dream by doing five things to put yourself in the best possible position to receive a dream.

Once you do these five things, focus on discovering your dream. As you do, keep this in mind: ‘A dream is what you desire if anything and everything is possible.


1.  Mental Preparation: Read and study in areas of your greatest interest.

2.  Experiential Preparation: Engage in activities in areas related to your interests.

3.  Visual Preparation: Put up pictures of people and things that inspire you.

4.  Hero Preparation: Read about and try to meet people you admire and who inspire you.

5.  Physical preparation: Get your body in optimal shape to pursue your dream.

To learn more about Own your Dreams, please click here!

Reprinted by permission of Simple Truths (c) 2012. In order to protect the rights of the copyright holder, no portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent. All rights reserved.

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