Watching Beliefnet’s exclusive John McCain video, God-o-Meter finds it perplexing that the Arizona senator has long been a scourge of the Religious Right. After all, McCain told Beliefnet that the “Constitution established the United States of America as a Christian nation,” that he’s in talks with his pastor about undergoing a full-immersion baptism to become…

Given all God-o-Meter has read about Hillary’s religious life–is there a politician besides George W. Bush whose piety has been better documented?–it was understandably dumbstruck by a recent poll showing that she’s seen as the least religious presidential frontrunner. Today, though, Hillary’s religious image got some burnishing. Writing in his regular Washington Post slot, former…

Maybe God-o-Meter’s just temperamental. Last week, its Fred Thompson needle hit a new low after a leaked email revealed that Christian Right titan James Dobson has ruled out supporting him. Today, Thompson’s needle is back up to 5. But God-o-Meter thinks it has good cause: Such evangelical heavyweights as ex-presidential candidate Gary Bauer and Southern…

Yes, God-o-Meter realizes the headline from yesterday’s straw poll among conservative evangelical activists in South Carolina is that Mike Huckabee won. God-o-Meter was more taken, however, by Ron Paul’s commanding second-place finish, collecting 179 votes out of roughly 600 cast—well ahead of third-place Fred Thompson. Unlike Huckabee, Paul phoned in his message (Rudy Giuliani was…

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