Echoing Hot Air’s response to God-o-Meter’s op-ed on the Christian Right’s failure to help its favored candidate, Mitt Romney, by candidly discussing his Mormonism, conservative Idaho blogger Adam Graham says: I’ve always looked at a person’s values, not their particular faith, in choosing a candidate. This is why I’m so offended at the suggestion of…

For a window onto the debate playing out among evangelicals over whether or not to support John McCain, check out the back-and-forth over at Evangelicals for Mitt, including this post in his defense, excerpted here: [I]f your “troika” of the three most important issues is immigration, global warming, and campaign-finance reform, then you shouldn’t vote…

Why isn’t John McCain defending himself more forcefully against Christian Right critics by pointing to his decades’ worth of votes against any kind of abortion rights? God-o-Meter can’t figure it out, but other pro-life advocates have begun making the argument for him. From today’s Washington Times: Pro-lifers are the first part of the conservative base…

When he was in Congress, Ohio Rep. Tony Hall was the dean of the dwindling ranks of elected pro-life Democrats. When President Bush appointed Hall, an evangelical, as ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture in 2002, he became the poster child for Democratic Party fears about losing its socially conservative members…

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