is organizing a protest of a John McCain town hall in New Orleans this morning on the basis that McCain endorser John Hagee–who received so much attention for his past anti-Catholic statements–has blamed the residents of the Crescent City for Hurricane Katrina. Here’s what Hagee said post-Katrina, according to Columbia Journalism Review: All hurricanes…

The Chicago Sun Times’ Lynn Sweet predicts that Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s forthcoming flurry of public appearances–he’s a guest on Bill Moyers Journal on PBS tomorrow and is making public speeches in Detroit and Washington, DC in the days following–bodes ill for the Obama campaign, regardless of what Wright has to say: Fresh material from Wright…

Barack Obama got walloped by Pennsylvania Catholics yesterday. Still, shortly after the polls closed, the Obama camp began making the case that his 31-percent support among Catholics–compared to 69-percent for Hillary Clinton–represented a modest improvement from mid-March, when a Quinnipiac poll had Obama winning just 24-percent of Catholics. Given the margins of error involved, God-o-Meter…

The North Carolina Republican Party is defying calls from John McCain and other members of the national Republican Party not to air an ad featuring Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s longtime pastor. Here’s the email from McCain to North Carolina GOP chairwoman Linda Daves, courtesy of Politico: Dear Chairman Daves, From the beginning of this election,…

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