What explains Barack Obama’s gains among Catholics yesterday? The Obama camp just ’round its explanation for progress among religious voters, including Catholics, in memo form: In Indiana and North Carolina the campaign: • Launched a series of inter-faith American Values Tours; • Organized statewide pastor calls with Senator Obama and other prominent faith leaders; •…

What was more impressive about yesterday’s primary, the fact that Rev. Wright was on so many voters minds or that Obama managed to largely overcome all the negative feelings about his former pastor. In North Carolina and Indiana, almost half of Democratic voters said the Wright situation was important. Those voters broke for Clinton 57…

Obama lost big among Indiana Catholics last night, but not nearly as big as in Pennsylvania and Ohio, where Catholics were probably more responsible than any other voters in giving Hillary Clinton a second wind over the last month. Catholics accounted for one in five Hoosier voters, and they broke for Clinton 59 to 41,…

More evidence that the Christian Right wants to face Hillary Clinton this fall? The Catholic League has just issued another press release slamming Barack Obama for–get this–a Chicago Tribune op-ed written by one of his supporters (no official connection to the campaign) that says l’affaire Wright is proof that Democrats need to halt their campaign…

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