It’s been a while since the Catholic League For Civil and Religious Rights last attacked the Obama campaign, but today it’s claiming victory in a battle that began more than a month ago, when the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue (pictured) blasted Obama’s new Catholic advisory board as insufficiently Catholic. The Catholic League now says it…

Newsweek’s got the scoop on the Obama campaign’s many prayer-based conference calls, with separate calls for evangelicals, Roman Catholics, Jews, and African Americans happening each week. The calls have included Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, a spiritual advisor to President George W. Bush (read God-o-Meter’s recent Caldwell interview for a window into how strongly the Obama camp…

Veepstakes wise, John McCain’s biggest decision may be whether to pick a social moderate who would appeal to swing voters but alienate the Christian Right–a Charlie Crist or Tom Ridge–or someone who would clearly excite the Christian Right, a Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, or Bobby Jindal. Of the second category, God-o-Meter thinks Jindal might be…

Gallup has released an “Early Road Map to the McCain-Obama Matchup” suggesting that, despite John McCain’s anemic religious outreach, and despite Barack Obama’s unprecedented efforts to win over the faithful (at last count, the Obama camp employed three fulltime faith outreach operatives) the Republican/Democrat God Gap in the American electorate has remained more or less…

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