One might have thought that Barack Obama’s plan to expand George W. Bush’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives would be music to the ears of Family Research Council Action, the main inside-the-beltway Christian Right advocacy outfit. Carving out a big role for religion in the public square is a major priority for the organization…

A day after announcing his plan to beef up President Bush’s office of faith-based initiatives, Barack Obama pops up today in Colorado Springs, whose reputation as the country’s evangelical capital has earned it the nickname “Vatican West.” The Obama camp says the timing is pure coincidence. You buy that? Here’s the Obama camp’s one-liner on…

As Barack Obama has emphasized his life as a “committed Christian” over the past year and a half, skeptics have asked for evidence of how his faith would actually influence his policies as president. Some conservative Christian activists have urged religious voters to examine Obama’s liberal stances on social issues like abortion and gay rights…

After touring Zanesville, Ohio’s Eastside Community Ministry, which his campaign describes as a “food bank, a clothing closet and a children’s program for low-income” people–Barack Obama will announce plans his plan for a President’s Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, the successor to George W. Bush’s White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives. In laying out…

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