
God-o-Meter has learned that the Obama campaign is about to email religious supporters an annoucnement about a new line of Obama faith merchandise–bumper stickers, buttons, and signs with three different messages, featured here–along with the following note:

Dear friends,

Great news! We now have faith merchandise available for you to show your support for Barack Obama as a person of faith.

Check out the Believers for Barack, Pro-Family Pro-Obama, and Catholics for Obama buttons, bumper stickers and signs….

Believers for Barack rally signs and bumper stickers, along with all Pro-Family Pro-Obama merchandise, are appropriate for people of all faith backgrounds. We’ll soon be rolling out merchandise for other religious groups and denominations, but I wanted to get this out to you without delay.

Take good care,

Paul Monteiro
Deputy Director of Religous Affairs
Obama for America

You can see samples here and here.
God-o-Meter hears that the campaign will be unveiling gear for other Christian denominations very soon, along with “Clergy for Change,” and “Pro-Israel Pro-Obama”


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