After touring Zanesville, Ohio’s Eastside Community Ministry, which his campaign describes as a “food bank, a clothing closet and a children’s program for low-income” people–Barack Obama will announce plans his plan for a President’s Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, the successor to George W. Bush’s White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives. In laying out…

God-o-Meter is going to have to start keeping a tally of conservative Christians coming to Barack Obama’s defense. The latest is former George W. Bush aide Peter Wehner (pictured), who–despite having problems with Obama’s social liberalism–comes out swinging against James Dobson’s attack on Obama’s vision for faith in the public square: …Obama was doing what…

Well that was fast! Within hours of broadcaster James Dobson’s attack on Senator Obama, one of the most prominent ministers in Texas (along with others) has lept to Obama’s defense, establishing a website bluntly titled, “James Dobson Doesn’t Speak for Me.” The site, the creation of the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, pastor of a vast United…

The very month that he held an unusual meeting with prominent black and white Christians–the Rev. Franklin Graham and the Rev. T.D. Jakes, among them–Senator Obama has come under resounding verbal attack from Dr. James Dobson, head of the highly influential multi-media ministry Focus on the Family. On his radio program Wednesday, Dobson sharply criticized…

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