CBN’s David Brody reports that John McCain is emailing conservative Christian leaders with excerpts from his books detailing McCain’s Christian faith, especially as a young man. Here’s an excerpt: Dear Friends, Many of you have asked about John McCain’s faith. John McCain is a strong Christian, but he believes that, in the context of the…

Another reason Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty could help John McCain with evangelicals, from today’s New York Times: He also carries qualifications important to many conservatives… longtime attendance at a church with a pastor who leads the National Association of Evangelicals and a mostly consistent conservatism on social issues. That pastor would be Leith Anderson, who…

Part of Senator John McCain’s constituency can be described as secularist libertarian. The man, after all, is from the West, where that identity has long held a proud place. If there were any question that those folks would figure somewhere in his campaign, he laid it to rest late Monday with a campaign appearance at what…

Neither Senators Barack Obama nor John McCain feel particularly comfortable talking about gay marriage as a campaign issue.”Both have this nuanced ‘On the one hand and on the other hand’ need-to-explain position, and I think that makes it difficult for either to take a stand,” says David Domke, a University of Washington professor, in an…

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