Evangelicals were famously divided ruing this year’s Republican primaries–the New York Times dubbed it an “evangelical crackup–but the most viscous divisions were between those supporting Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney. Huck’s evangelical forces saw Romney as the ultimately opportunist, converting to the social conservative cause only when he perceived that doing so would help cut…

The American Prospect’s Tapped blogger Sarah Posner takes God-o-Meter to task for a recent post analyzing John Hagee’s vow never to endorse another presidential candidate–and the enthusiastic applause the lined garnered from a packed auditorium of evangelicals. GOM said this was yet another sign of evangelical disengagement from the current presidential election cycle, in stark…

The Democrats succeeding in closing the gap among what Democratic National Committee pollster Cornell Belcher calls “values-first voters” from 30 points in 2004 to around 10 points in 2006. It was a major factor behind the Democrats’ congressional takeover. True, the narrowing of the values gap coincided with the launch of the Democrats’ myriad new…

At the annual A Night to Honor Israel banquet in Washington on Tuesday night, here’s what spurned televangelist John Hagee told the assembled: What will I say when I’m asked to endorse another presidential candidate? Never Again! According to the New York Times, the crowd greeted the line with applause. Whoa. So a ballroom full…

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