Uncle Sam has finally hit the wall. After years of intoxicated binges on borrowing and inflating, the US government has hit the new debt ceiling. There are many theories and predictions as to the consequences of not raising the amount we can borrow. Raising the debt ceiling is the equivalent of Uncle Sam drinking more…

There is talk all over the news about the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is the amount the US government is allowed to borrow. If we reach the “ceiling” or limit, we have to stop borrowing so much money and put our house in order. What does putting our house in order mean? I don’t…

What would God say to F.D.R?  The same thing He would say to you and I.   It’s the same thing He’d say to politicians today, and the same thing He’d say to George Bush and Barack Obama… What’s the message? STOP SPENDING TOMORROW’S MONEY TODAY. This clip is NOT from the DVD, but a…

The Bible addresses money, liberty, government, and even issues like… the debt ceiling.    Whether its Washington D.C. or a family budget, all of us need to deal with our own overspending. Many are surprised at how relevant the Bible is to modern day issues. Others are surprised to see that issues on the national landscape…

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