I remember when the “Terminator” decided to make his last comeback with “End of Days” back in 1999. By flipping the numbers 666 upside down and adding a “1” we were told that the end of days was in 1999.  Hmmmm….?  Why add a “1”?   Why flip them upside down? Not sure,  it…

Why is unemployment so high? Why hasn’t it gotten better? Why haven’t the national credit card of TARP, Stimulus funds, bail-outs, and buy-outs made the situation any better?   It’s not Obama’s fault nor Bush’s fault.  Or another way to say it might be: It’s both Obama’s fault and Bush’s fault.   Behind the political…

George Soros couldn’t be more wrong.  His “wisdom” is out of alignment with history, common sense, and Biblical wisdom.  He recently said in an article “Otherwise we will repeat the mistakes that plunged America into the Great Depression in 1929. That’s what Angela Merkel doesn’t understand,” he said. US President Franklin Roosevelt addressed the crisis in 1933 with…

           Here is a phrase that you don’t hear much but will soon dominate the news:  quantitative easing. What does that mean? In layman’s terms, one might say, “I’ll rob Peter to pay Paul” or “I’ll pay off one credit card by putting it on another one.” When you say it…

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