Here is a recent sermon describing how we can all worship through our work, without worshipping our work 09/02/12 “Uncovering the Entrepreneur” (Chad Hovind) The Gift of Work At the heart of Godonomics is the value and God-given joy of work. Work and labor are gifts from God. He has given us talents to develop…

Few women practiced Godonomics better than Lydia. Her story from the book of acts is an example of a leader, an entrepreneur, a successful business builder, and mother. She produces a high end product (a seller of purple material) to a high end clientele in the strategic sales town of Philippi nestled on border of…

  You can learn alot at a garage sale. You can teach your family valuable life lessons at a garage sale.  I once sold all my Star Wars collection (now worth a fortune) at a garage sale for pennies on the dollar.   I once sold a Knight Rider car for a quarter… And who wouldn’t…

In The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith expounds on the importance of self interest. He shows that when an individual pursues self-sufficiency, he indirectly promotes the good of society: “by pursuing his own interest, [the individual] frequently promotes that of the society more effectually” Self-interested competition in the free market, he argued, would tend to…

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