After nine months, the Daily Digest is now being received by more than 20,000 people. So, I thought I’d solicit some reader opinion. First an explanation. I use the following U.S. newspapers that cover the spectrum: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, The Boston Globe, USA…

“Norman, Harmeet and I have forgiven our captors,” says Jim Loney in yesterday’s op-ed to The Toronto Star. “Our reason is very simple. We’ve had enough with bombs and guns and gallows.” Sojourners and I spent many an anxious moment while our compatriots in Christ with the Christian Peacemaker Teams were held captive in Baghdad…

Around the lunch table the other day, a few coworkers and I discussed food, healthy eating, and body image (brought on by an amateur analysis of trans- and partially-hydrogenated fats and their banning in NYC). Yesterday while scanning my iGoogle (I love that thing), I ran across this Alternet article on a similar topic. The…

As announced on CNN last week, we’re hosting a forum of the leading Democratic presidential candidates at our Pentecost 2007 event. We invited several of our bloggers to discuss their questions for the candidates, but we’ve also compiled the best questions submitted by our readers’, and now you can vote on the one we’ll ask…

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