What a shame. Don Sherwood, Republican from Pennsylvania, just lost his House seat. Sherwood had an 85% approval rating from James Dobson’s Family Action—only falling short of the 100% rating because he failed to co-sponsor the Marriage Protection amendment, though he supported it. The scorecard rates members of Congress on how they voted on “Pro-Family…

Note: The following is a condensed summary of the talk Pastor Rich Nathan delivered at the “Voting Our Values” rally last Thursday in Columbus, Ohio. A link to the full text appears at the end, or you can download audio of the entire speech (mp3). As I travel around the country and interact with a…

Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, and his upper rooms by injustice; who makes his neighbors work for nothing, and does not give them their wages…. Did not your father eat and drink and do justice and righteousness? Then it was well with him. He judged the cause of the poor and…

A revolution which aims merely at changing official policies and institutions with a view to an improvement in material conditions has little chance of genuine success. Without a revolution of the spirit, the forces which produced the iniquities of the old order would continue to be operative, posing a constant threat to the process of…

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