If we are following Jesus, we cannot wait for the perfect community. It was while we were yet sinners that Christ allowed his body to be broken for us…Our commitment to one another in community can be no less than his: ‘This is my body broken for you.’ – F. Kefa Sempangi + Sign up…

It’s somewhat surprising that it took so long for this story to get some attention today. True, the allegation that Ted Haggard, pastor of the New Life megachurch in Colorado Springs and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, had a homosexual affair is just that–an allegation. But the news that he has stepped down…

As we gear up for the upcoming presidential election battles, once again Sojourners reminded me that God is not a Republican. Or a Democrat. In lieu of the plethora of partisan propaganda I often receive from both the Religious Right and the progressive left, I welcome their biblically based voting guide that outlines the Christian…

For the last three years, I directed a grassroots research project on vital mainline Protestant congregations that involved “on the ground” – or perhaps “in the pews” – surveys, interviews, and field observations. In the fall of 2004, immediately before the last presidential election, I was at Church of the Redeemer, an Episcopal church in…

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