Image courtesy of cooldesign/

Sometimes, a vibrant, powerful color provides just the right spark to lift our spirits and help us act with energy, determination, and eagerness. This month, red is that color, and it goes along perfectly with everything happening as February unfolds: Lent begins, Valentine’s Day comes around, and Heart Health Awareness and Education Month is celebrated throughout.

Yes, February is truly for hearts. Hearts of reflection and spiritual growth. Hearts of love. Hearts of health. This month holds something important and enjoyable for everyone (don’t we all just love flowers and candy?!)  We’ll see many public service announcements and other information about how to keep our hearts in good shape, and what to do about health problems that may arise. I’ve written three pieces for Beliefnet’s Cause of the Month, and I hope you’ll stop by the Cause of the Month page and take a look at them and the other information we’ve gathered.

Among the illnesses I live with, I have heart disease. The diagnosis was a surprise to me – somehow, I imagined it was more common in older men than 30-something women. As I’ve journeyed, I’ve learned a lot, especially about how important it is to remain consistent with diet, exercise, and spiritual and emotional care.  It isn’t always easy, but there are lots of us in the same boat, so there’s lots of encouragement and support, something to remember, for sure, as we see red in a positive light all through this month.

Blessings for the day,


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