When you are diagnosed with lupus, you have to absorb a lot of information in a brief period of time. Lupus is a very complex disease; even if your case is mild and you do not have to take any medication, there is still a lot to learn about things you can do to stay as healthy as possible. And, with lupus brain fog, if you have it, and other responsibilities of life, it is very easy to quickly feel overloaded and to forget important health-related things.
Early on, I tried to become and stay organized. Work with your doctor to understand exactly what your particular case of lupus means and what you have to do to help your health. Keep a list hand of your doctors’ phone numbers, as well as your pharmacist and loved ones who can help you. Keep copies of all of your lab tests and other records. Maintain a symptoms journal, so you can track how you are doing, how you react to medication, and how your doctors’ appointments go. Take lots of time to pray, reflect, and have quiet that can enable you to ease pressure on your spirit and thus help you keep foremost what is most important.
With lupus, you often feel as if you’ve lost control over your life. By staying organized on paper and in spirit, you can better equip yourself to feel that you have some control, and that control will help you cope.
Blessings for the day,