Oh, yes, I know about the scientific studies and the group research touting its benefits. I know all about the mechanics and the music of it.

But sometimes, it is difficult to find the gift and the boost of laughter.

Suggestion for today:  Perhaps you are having a bad day, or know someone who is going through a very, very rough time. Perhaps full-out laughter is not something you can do, or encourage your loved one to do. Even so, try to find one thing, however small, to make you smile. Outside your window, inside the comics pages of the newspaper, through a pet or through a person – find a reason to smile. Cherish that moment of even muffled delight. And know that God’s world is not all bad, His day need not be all down, and humor, even a hint of it, can bring light – His light – to your world.

We all need a little TLC. Why not Tuesday?Maureen Pratt Author Pic

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