Image courtesy of ArvindBalaraman/
Image courtesy of ArvindBalaraman/

Ah, the bliss of putting my feet up!

Throughout the day, our feet take a beating. And if we have joint issues “higher up,” in the knees, for example, or the hips, those precious feet can truly begin to feel abused and neglected.

Throughout the Bible, we read of people walking – walking out of Eden, walking into the Promised Land, Jesus walking on his ministerial way. There was scarcely another way to travel for most people, and I have to believe that the rough, rocky ground (no paved roads, then) was brutal to everyone’s feet. But, there are also passages that tell of the ritual of foot-washing, and these highlight for us the importance of taking precious care of one’s feet.

Today, TLC Tuesday, take a moment to look down and not up. Reflect on the miles and miles that your feet have walked, and do something positive to take are of them and, in so doing, taking care of yourself!

Joy and peace,


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