Maureen Pratt Author PicInside each of us, there is a light. But somedays, it seems as if that light has burnt out.

When that happens in our homes or offices, we buy another and replace the old with the new. It’s not quite the same thing when we ourselves feel dulled, but the concept is the same: Even when we’re weighed down with heavy responsibilities of health and other things, our capacity to shine has not disappeared. Perhaps it just needs a change.

What kind of change?

The things that help me feel revived after a long flare or other ordeal ( including “life intervening”) are many – so much depends on the circumstance. Prayer, music, silliness, and stillness help. So, too, do long walks, friends, learning something new, and enjoying – just sitting and watching and enjoying – nature. And, too, sometimes there’s nothing like a good, long, stretch of sleeping and “just being” to revive. Think how long bears hibernate before emerging and enjoying the warmer spring and summer days!

Most of all, a willingness to rebound and a thirst for moving ahead are important to finding that spark. No hardware store will carry these, but as we all know, God bestows them in abundance – and they’re free for the asking!

Blessings for the day,


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